© Dyslexia-Research.com - Dr Neil Alexander-Passe - Contact at: neilpasse@aol.com

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An investigation from differing perspectives

This is the second book of this series, the first being ‘Dyslexia and Creativity’.

This series has been advantageous to readers by informing them that looking at issues from a singular angle can cause distortion, so several points of reference are used to better understand complex problems.

As a developmental disorder, dyslexia is medical in origin but educational in treatment. Due to its varying nature and severity, diagnosis is commonly delayed after educational failure has begun. The emotional effects of such failure and social exclusion are rarely discussed, and this book aims to discuss such matters openly.

Enclosed you will find the work of nine professors and other researchers in the field, some taking highly academic perspectives, whilst others preferring a more down-to-earth style. Chapters are also included from neurologists, educational psychologists and employment specialists, who give alternative ways to understand the topic.

No one contributor has the whole picture, thus a worldwide span is required to do the subject justice, with the authors reflecting this concept.

Contributing authors include:

UK: Neil Alexander-Passe, Professor Robert Burden, Ruth Gwernan-Jones, Professor David McLoughlin, Gilda Palti, Professor John Stein and

Melody Terras.

USA: Professor Merith Cosden, Professor Stephanie Daniel, Megan Donahue, Lynn Flowers, Professor David Goldston, Professor Sebastian Kaplan, Sarah Patz and Michael Ryan

Brazil: Professor Sylvia Maria Ciasca, Ricardo Franco de Lima and Cíntia Alves Salgado.

Norway: Professor Ann-Mari Knivsberg.

Table of Contents:

Contributing Authors
The Academic Perspective:
1. Reading and Motivation in Adolescent Poor Readers
(Lynn Flowers, Professor Stephanie Daniel, Professor Sebastian Kaplan and Professor David Goldston)
3. Psychosocial Problems and Psychotherapy for Persons with Dyslexia
(Merith Cosden, Sarah Patz and Megan Donahue)
4. Behaviour and Attention in Dyslexia
(Ann-Mari Knivsberg)
5. Developmental Dyslexia and Depression: A Case Study
(Ricardo Franco de Lima, Cíntia Alves Salgado, Professor Sylvia Maria Ciasca)
6. The Physiological Basis of Impaired Social Communication in Dyslexia
(John Stein)
7. Dyslexia and Depression: Cause and Effect (Modeling & Proposed Intervention)
(Neil Alexander-Passe)

The Personal Perspective:
8. Self-Harm, Suicide and Dyslexia
(Neil Alexander-Passe)
9. Specific Learning Difficulties and Mental Health
(Gilda Palti)
10. Comparing Degree-educated to Non-Degree Educated Depressive Dyslexics
(Neil Alexander-Passe)

The Alternative Perspective:
11. Making Sense of Dyslexia: The Conceptual, Emotional and Social Reactions of Dyslexic People to their Learning Difficulties
(Ruth Gwernan-Jones and Professor Robert Burden)
12. Dyslexia in Employment: The Impact of Affective Factors
(David McLoughlin)
13. Dyslexia and Psycho-Social Adjustment: A Resilience Perspective
(Melody M Terras)
14. Helping Children with Dyslexia develop Self-Discipline
(Michael Ryan)

Dyslexia and Mental Health